I. Institution Level Awards
Code: I.01 – I.02
Applicants have to submit the details about their University / College with the evidences, if required. We need to have the details of past 5 years.
Few of those details to be submitted relating to and but not limited to the Research, Placements, Infrastructure, NAAC Grades, NBA, etc. You should focus mainly on the achievements.
Code: I.03 – I.04
Applicants have to submit the details of accreditations, achievements, infrastructure, etc.
II. Individual Awards
Code: II.01 – II.21
Applicants have to submit the details about their publications, fellowships, patents, awards, Grants / projects, books / book chapters published, memberships, positions in society, etc. You should mainly focus on your achievements and positions held.
Code: II.22
Students should be ranked in top 3 positions out of their class in University Examinations. For this, applicant has to submit the evidence in Letterhead of the Head of the institution / HOD of the department specifying the rank of the student.
Applicants also should submit their achievements and any considerable things.