You will be awarded with the globally recognized Certificate of Recognition with the various security features!

You will be honored with the medal. We also have a plan to put awardee's photo on the medal!

You will be provided with the Proceedings of your award. It will be much useful for your academic purposes!

You will be honored with the memento that will have your details like name, affiliation, etc (we also will consider the suggestions from the awardees to keep their details on memento).

We are accepting the nominations from every corner of this planet. With our well organized international network, all the awardess can expect to have an international reputation to their achievements across the globe.

Your certificate(s) and award proceeding are trackable now. In a view to avoid the fake certificates as well as for the verification of the awardees by the Universities / employers, we have deployed an advanced technology to track their every record (certificates & award proceedings).

Our awards are globally acceptable! With our strict criteria and experienced Jury members, we maintain the high standards in scrutinizing the nominations. Because of our standards, awardees can claim the award(s) for promotions, etc. For the verification of certififcates / your achievements, employers can track your certificate details from our tracking system. It will build the trust and transparency in verification process.

All the awardees will be featured in various national and international media. We try our best to feature every awardee in local media thereby it can reach each and every corner of this planet.

You can add your award achievement in your profile for the API score while your promotions, etc.

Every awardee will be provided with the e-copy of the Award Receving Photo Frame. Whenever you want, you can download it from our secure digital repository.

Profiles of all the awradees will be added in Who Am I? Directory and it will be published as a book with the ISBN by the KVR Book Central. You also will be provided with the Certificate for the inclusion of your profile in the Directory.

This is the platform where you can expt to have an access to the 150 million data of published papers / books / book chapters / conference proceedings, etc. The metadata / PDF / HTML page of published papers will be added automatically, therefore, you can expect to have an instant access to the newly published papers also. Every awardee will be provided, free of cost, with an access to the RMetaHub for 1 year.

This is the platform where you can manage your complete profile, design it and download whenever you would like. It is also having a numerous features like Doc Store, Virtual ID (doc sharing with the advanced security feature), post important info for the specific group of people, profile stats, following, followers, etc. Every awardee will be provided with an access to the eProfilePedia for life time.

This is the advanced digital repository platform where we can store our data in secure environment. All the records of our events will be deposited in the RePoSiTo for the secure storage. Therefore, you can request us at anytime for your records like certificate, etc.

This is the advanced digital identifier cum verifier. Your records will be provided with the Identifier & Verifier ID cum unique URLs to track your records.

KVR Book Central is one of the best book publishers on this planet in closed access publishing (academic books and non-academic books (stories, etc)). All the awardees are eligible to publish one book for free of cost!

eBookia is publishing an open access books / book chapters. It is specifically focusing on publishing the academic books only. All the awardess are eligible to publish one book for free cost!