Scopus id 58362729500

With a passion for teaching and a drive for impactful research, With a rich and diverse experience of teaching , mentoring spanning over 13 years, she has established herself as a seasoned educator, mentor, and a prominent figure in the corporate arena. Her multifaceted journey encompasses teaching, mentoring, and conducting impactful corporate sessions, all underpinned by her remarkable expertise as a certified psychometric trainer.

Teaching and Learning Effectiveness:

  1. Transforming classes into vibrant hubs of student engagement, she employs an array of tools—technology, case studies, storybooks, industry cases, and with Industrial visits—to orchestrate an immersive learning journey.
  2. Active participation, stimulating group discussions, and immersive experiential learning in classroom with dynamism.
  3. Award Winner at Chandigarh University Cluster level for Project Science of Well Being

MOOC Courses

  1. MOOC Course on Organizational Behavior developed for Master’s Degree of Business Administration on VidyaMitra ,Inflibnet Portal of NME-ICT , Govt. of India.


UNESCO Project (2022) on Nature and Nurture Indoor Plants boon for Health & Mental Wellbeing selected in form of MOOC course , under supervision of Prof.EbbaOssiannilsson.

Skill Domain

  1. Learning &Development Certified HRCI(Professional body )
  2. AoN Skill 2 qualified
  3. Psychometric Trainer
  4. Science of WellBeing Certified
  5. Tableau certified
  6. Compensation & Reward techniques Certified by HRCI

Top of Form

Awards and Recognitions:

  1. Tricity’s Inspiring Woman (2022)
  2. Iconic Women Award (2022)
  3. Contributor to Society Women Award (2022)
  4. Best Women Academician by ICSERD(2019)
  5. REAA Awards – Best Women Academician (2018)
  6. Ministry of National Skill Development Award (2015)

Acknowledged for Outstanding Faculty Development Program (FDP) Sessions (2022-23):

Commended for delivering impactful sessions on crucial topics such as the National Education Policy (NEP), Innovative Teaching and Learning Techniques, and Psychometric Testing during Faculty Development Programs.

Recognition from Central University for Sessions of FDP and AICTE Colleges (2022-2023)

Workshops and Sessions on Cooperative Teaching Learning Pedagogy (2022)

Pioneering the “4 Wall Classroom Shift”

Promoting Interactive Classroom Experiences

Sessions Speaker as Resource Person for FDP of ICSSR, AICTE

  1. Expert Speaker in Ghana University in Feb,2024
  2. Expert Speaker Session in Turkey Professional in Turkey in April24.
  3. Expert Speaker Session in African Association among Africa Universities Deans, directors ,fraternity.
  4. Resource Person in FDP on Innovative Teaching Learning Pedagogy in Swami Devi DayalInstitutes ,Barwalaw.e.f 25June23 to 30 June 23.
  5. Resource Person in HRDC 2022 in Central University Sagar on topic Psychometric a tool –Mental Wellbeing on 14Feb 22.
  6. Resource Person in HRDC in Central University Sagar on topic on 18 Nov22 on Educational psychology tool for Effective teacher.
  7. Resource Person in HRDC in Central University on topic on 25 Nov 22 on Mindfulness Practices for mental hygiene in teaching learning.
  8. Speaker in webinar on Skill Day on Topic National education Policy 20 – Quality of Commerce & Management  organized by Indian Commerce association, Osmania University on 15July 2021.
  9. Speaker as Panelist for Association of African Universities presented India Staff Promotion system in Higher and Tertiary Education recent changes of India in Webinar on 23 June2021.
  10. As Key Note Speaker on topic National Education Policy 2020 – Indian Education to Global Standards in Online Webinar organized on Topic NEP- 2020 , in Aristotle Institute of Engineering & Technology, Hyderabad on 30April2021.
  11. Imparted Session in One week Short Term Training Program approved by AICTE in Warangal College on 24Nov 20 on Topic Cooperative Learning Strategies with Classroom Arrangements.
  12. Session of HRDC in Central University, Sagar on 4 Dec 20 in Faculty Induction Program on Topic Internet in Education.
  13. Taken Sessions in One Week online faculty development program on “Online classroom management tools and techniques” from July 23 – July 29, 2020 in Govt College HGDC, Prayagraj.
  14. Imparted Session as Resource person in World Environment Day on 5th June 2020 in GovtHamidia Girls College.

 Research and Publications:

  1. Analyze the political preference of a common man by using data mining and machine learning research work published in IEEE Explore (2023).
  2. Rest Research papers submitted are under review process in year 2022 till date.
  3. She has published numerous peer-reviewed articles, UGC care journals and presented more than 250 papers at national and in international conferences.
  4. She is the Reviewer of National and International Journals.

Academic Leadership:

  1. External Examiner of Universities as of Noida International University, Greater Noida , Maharishi University of Information Technology , lucknow for Doctoral Program.
  2. Member of Board of Studies of BUEST, NIU , PTU Universities.
  3. Demonstrated exceptional leadership skills, fostering collaboration and innovation among faculty members with corporate.


  1. Life-Time member of Indian Society of Training and Development.
  2. Life Time member of Council of Teacher Education Foundation.

Key Speaker Chair Person

 International conference on 6th March 24 in New ways from Art and science social consciousness and sustainable development.

International Session

Session on 11 th Feb 24 at International level on teaching learning pedagogy for south African university professors.

Corporate Session – On 9th March 24 in Vidhwaan Pvt Ltd on Mindful elevates the performance

State Achievements and Social Recognition:

  1. Recognized as President of State Punjab (2023) of Non-Profit Organization contributing towards society named Women’s Indian Chamber of Commerce and Industry.
  2. Woman Social Contributor recognized by State of Haryana (2022),and WICCI State North , She Educates on Nature Therapy and Positive Energy Content – A woman with a keen interest in plantation has contributed to society by healing specific ailments such as diabetes, cancer, etc.

Authored Scopus Indexed Papers in Journals , Chapters in scopus index Book with core interest in AI, Strategic HR , ML.